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The lower independence number i(G) of a graph G is the minimum size of a maximal independent vertex set in G. The lower indepedence number is equiavlent to the "independent ...
A lucky number of Euler is a number p such that the prime-generating polynomial n^2-n+p is prime for n=1, 2, ..., p-1. Such numbers are related to the imaginary quadratic ...
The Maclaurin trisectrix is a curve first studied by Colin Maclaurin in 1742. It was studied to provide a solution to one of the geometric problems of antiquity, in ...
The five Mathieu groups M_(11), M_(12), M_(22), M_(23), and M_(24) were the first sporadic groups discovered, having been found in 1861 and 1873 by Mathieu. Frobenius showed ...
A McNugget number is a positive integer that can be obtained by adding together orders of McDonald's® Chicken McNuggetsTM (prior to consuming any), which originally came in ...
The Menger sponge is a fractal which is the three-dimensional analog of the Sierpiński carpet. The nth iteration of the Menger sponge is implemented in the Wolfram Language ...
A topology that is "potentially" a metric topology, in the sense that one can define a suitable metric that induces it. The word "potentially" here means that although the ...
There are two versions of the moat-crossing problem, one geometric and one algebraic. The geometric moat problems asks for the widest moat Rapunzel can cross to escape if she ...
A modified spherical Bessel function of the first kind (Abramowitz and Stegun 1972), also called a "spherical modified Bessel function of the first kind" (Arfken 1985), is ...
The perspective image of an infinite checkerboard. It can be constructed starting from any triangle DeltaOXY, where OX and OY form the near corner of the floor, and XY is the ...
