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Let K be a class of topological spaces that is closed under homeomorphism, and let X be a topological space. If X in K and for every Y in K such that X subset= Y, X is a ...
The absolute square of a complex number z, also known as the squared norm, is defined as |z|^2=zz^_, (1) where z^_ denotes the complex conjugate of z and |z| is the complex ...
The absolute value of a real number x is denoted |x| and defined as the "unsigned" portion of x, |x| = xsgn(x) (1) = {-x for x<=0; x for x>=0, (2) where sgn(x) is the sign ...
A measure lambda is absolutely continuous with respect to another measure mu if lambda(E)=0 for every set with mu(E)=0. This makes sense as long as mu is a positive measure, ...
A sequence of random variates X_0, X_1, ... is called absolutely fair if for n=1, 2, ..., <X_1>=0 and <X_(n+1)|X_1,...,X_n>=0 (Feller 1971, p. 210).
A function f(x) is absolutely monotonic in the interval a<x<b if it has nonnegative derivatives of all orders in the region, i.e., f^((k))(x)>=0 (1) for a<x<b and k=0, 1, 2, ...
A real number that is b-normal for every base 2, 3, 4, ... is said to be absolutely normal. As proved by Borel (1922, p. 198), almost all real numbers in [0,1) are absolutely ...
A subset B of a vector space E is said to be absorbing if for any x in E, there exists a scalar lambda>0 such that x in muB for all mu in F with |mu|>=lambda, where F is the ...
The law appearing in the definition of Boolean algebras and lattice which states that a ^ (a v b)=a v (a ^ b)=a for binary operators v and ^ (which most commonly are logical ...
Abstract algebra is the set of advanced topics of algebra that deal with abstract algebraic structures rather than the usual number systems. The most important of these ...
