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101 - 110 of 1064 for Variability, standard deviation, and ran...Search Results
The Carlson elliptic integrals, also known as the Carlson symmetric forms, are a standard set of canonical elliptic integrals which provide a convenient alternative to ...
The matrix decomposition of a square matrix A into so-called eigenvalues and eigenvectors is an extremely important one. This decomposition generally goes under the name ...
Let lambda be (possibly complex) eigenvalues of a set of random n×n real matrices with entries independent and taken from a standard normal distribution. Then as n->infty, ...
The term "parameter" is used in a number of ways in mathematics. In general, mathematical functions may have a number of arguments. Arguments that are typically varied when ...
Stanley's theorem states that the total number of 1s that occur among all unordered partitions of a positive integer is equal to the sum of the numbers of distinct members of ...
Two non-coincident plane angles alpha and beta in angle standard position are said to be coterminal if the terminal side of alpha is identically the same as the terminal side ...
An invertible knot is a knot that can be deformed via an ambient isotopy into itself but with the orientation reversed. A knot that is not invertible is said to be ...
Smale (1958) proved that it is mathematically possible to turn a sphere inside-out without introducing a sharp crease at any point. This means there is a regular homotopy ...
A theorem is a statement that can be demonstrated to be true by accepted mathematical operations and arguments. In general, a theorem is an embodiment of some general ...
A Turán graph, sometimes called a maximally saturated graph (Zykov 1952, Chao and Novacky 1982), with positive integer parameters n and k is a type of extremal graph on n ...
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