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Ramanujan developed a number of interesting closed-form expressions for generalized continued fractions. These include the almost integers ...
There are two awards that each go by the name "Ramanujan Prize": the SASTRA Ramanujan Prize and the ICTP Ramanujan Prize for Young Mathematicians from Developing Countries. ...
The mathematical study of combinatorial objects in which a certain degree of order must occur as the scale of the object becomes large. Ramsey theory is named after Frank ...
Let G=(V,E) be a finite graph, let Omega be the set Omega={0,1}^E whose members are vectors omega=(omega(e):e in E), and let F be the sigma-algebra of all subsets of Omega. A ...
Consider the Fibonacci-like recurrence a_n=+/-a_(n-1)+/-a_(n-2), (1) where a_0=0, a_1=1, and each sign is chosen independently and at random with probability 1/2. ...
A random graph is a graph in which properties such as the number of graph vertices, graph edges, and connections between them are determined in some random way. The graphs ...
A rational amicable pair consists of two integers a and b for which the divisor functions are equal and are of the form sigma(a)=sigma(b)=(P(a,b))/(Q(a,b))=R(a,b), (1) where ...
The rational distance problem asks to find a geometric configuration satisfying given properties such that all distances along specific edges are rational numbers. (This is ...
There are nine possible types of isolated singularities on a cubic surface, eight of them rational double points. Each type of isolated singularity has an associated normal ...
A moment mu_n of a probability function P(x) taken about 0, mu_n^' = <x^n> (1) = intx^nP(x)dx. (2) The raw moments mu_n^' (sometimes also called "crude moments") can be ...
