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A statistic which assigns a single number to several individual statistics in order to quantify trends. The best-known index in the United States is the consumer price index, ...
A set-theoretic term having a number of different meanings. Fraenkel (1953, p. 37) used the term as a synonym for "finite set." However, according to Russell's definition ...
An inellipse inconic that is an ellipse. The locus of the centers of the ellipses inscribed in a triangle is the interior of the medial triangle. Newton gave the solution to ...
A mathematical statement that one quantity is greater than or less than another. "a is less than b" is denoted a<b, and "a is greater than b" is denoted a>b. "a is less than ...
The infimum is the greatest lower bound of a set S, defined as a quantity m such that no member of the set is less than m, but if epsilon is any positive quantity, however ...
A d-dimensional discrete percolation model is said to be inhomogeneous if different graph edges (in the case of bond percolation models) or vertices (in the case of site ...
If the square is instead erected internally, their centers form a triangle DeltaI_AI_BI_C that has (exact) trilinear vertex matrix given by (1) (E. Weisstein, Apr. 25, 2004). ...
Let P(z) and Q(z) be univariate polynomials in a complex variable z, and let the polynomial degrees of P and Q satisfy deg(Q)>=deg(P+2). Then int_gamma(P(z))/(Q(z))dz = ...
One of the numbers ..., -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, .... The set of integers forms a ring that is denoted Z. A given integer n may be negative (n in Z^-), nonnegative (n in Z^*), zero ...
The complexity c_n of an integer n is the least number of 1s needed to represent it using only additions, multiplications, and parentheses. For example, the numbers 1 through ...
