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621 - 630 of 914 for Small Dodeca DodecahedronSearch Results

Consider any star of n line segments through one point in space such that no three lines are coplanar. Then there exists a polyhedron, known as a zonohedron, whose faces ...
The cube is the Platonic solid composed of six square faces that meet each other at right angles and has eight vertices and 12 edges. It is also the uniform polyhedron with ...
The arithmetic mean of a set of values is the quantity commonly called "the" mean or the average. Given a set of samples {x_i}, the arithmetic mean is x^_=1/Nsum_(i=1)^Nx_i. ...
When the elliptic modulus k has a singular value, the complete elliptic integrals may be computed in analytic form in terms of gamma functions. Abel (quoted in Whittaker and ...
An Eulerian graph is a graph containing an Eulerian cycle. The numbers of Eulerian graphs with n=1, 2, ... nodes are 1, 1, 2, 3, 7, 15, 52, 236, ... (OEIS A133736), the first ...
For a given m, determine a complete list of fundamental binary quadratic form discriminants -d such that the class number is given by h(-d)=m. Heegner (1952) gave a solution ...
An n-polyhedral graph (sometimes called a c-net) is a 3-connected simple planar graph on n nodes. Every convex polyhedron can be represented in the plane or on the surface of ...
A quartic graph is a graph which is 4-regular. The unique quartic graph on five nodes is the complete graph K_5, and the unique quartic graph on six nodes is the octahedral ...
A self-avoiding walk is a path from one point to another which never intersects itself. Such paths are usually considered to occur on lattices, so that steps are only allowed ...
A trinomial coefficient is a coefficient of the trinomial triangle. Following the notation of Andrews (1990), the trinomial coefficient (n; k)_2, with n>=0 and -n<=k<=n, is ...
