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991 - 1000 of 2951 for Rate of change/slope/lineSearch Results
Select three points at random on the circumference of a unit circle and find the distribution of areas of the resulting triangles determined by these three points. The first ...
The first example discovered of a map from a higher-dimensional sphere to a lower-dimensional sphere which is not null-homotopic. Its discovery was a shock to the ...
The perspective image of an infinite checkerboard. It can be constructed starting from any triangle DeltaOXY, where OX and OY form the near corner of the floor, and XY is the ...
The pedal curve of the parabola with parametric equations x = at^2 (1) y = 2at (2) with pedal point (x_0,y_0) is x_p = ((x_0-a)t^2+y_0t)/(t^2+1) (3) y_p = ...
Suppose that f is an analytic function which is defined in the upper half-disk {|z|^2<1,I[z]>0}. Further suppose that f extends to a continuous function on the real axis, and ...
The "witch of Agnesi" is a curve studied by Maria Agnesi in 1748 in her book Instituzioni analitiche ad uso della gioventù italiana (the first surviving mathematical work ...
Cube point picking is the three-dimensional case of hypercube point picking. The average distance from a point picked at random inside a unit cube to the center is given by ...
A geometric theorem related to the pentagram and also called the Pratt-kasapi theorem. It states ...
The expected value B_n(s) of r^s from a fixed vertex of a unit n-cube to a point picked at random in the interior of the hypercube is given by B_n(s) = ...
The intangents circle is the circumcircle of the intangents triangle. It has circle function l=((-a+b+c)f(a,b,c))/(8a^2b^2c^2cosAcosBcosC), (1) where (2) which is not a ...
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