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An outlier is an observation that lies outside the overall pattern of a distribution (Moore and McCabe 1999). Usually, the presence of an outlier indicates some sort of ...
If a function has a Fourier series given by f(x)=1/2a_0+sum_(n=1)^inftya_ncos(nx)+sum_(n=1)^inftyb_nsin(nx), (1) then Bessel's inequality becomes an equality known as ...
The representation, beloved of engineers and physicists, of a complex number in terms of a complex exponential x+iy=|z|e^(iphi), (1) where i (called j by engineers) is the ...
A piecewise linear function is a function composed of some number of linear segments defined over an equal number of intervals, usually of equal size. For example, consider ...
If the vertices A, B, and C of triangle DeltaABC lie on sides QR, RP, and PQ of the triangle DeltaPQR, then the three circumcircles CBP, ACQ, and BAR have a common point X. ...
The Poisson sum formula is a special case of the general result sum_(-infty)^inftyf(x+n)=sum_(k=-infty)^inftye^(2piikx)int_(-infty)^inftyf(x^')e^(-2piikx^')dx^' (1) with x=0, ...
A set A of integers is productive if there exists a partial recursive function f such that, for any x, the following holds: If the domain of phi_x is a subset of A, then f(x) ...
A subfield which is strictly smaller than the field in which it is contained. The field of rationals Q is a proper subfield of the field of real numbers R which, in turn, is ...
Finding the height above the bottom of a horizontal cylinder (such as a cylindrical gas tank) to which the it must be filled for it to be one quarter full amounts to plugging ...
Let sigma(m) be the divisor function of m. Then two numbers m and n are a quasiamicable pair if sigma(m)=sigma(n)=m+n+1. The first few are (48, 75), (140, 195), (1050, 1925), ...
