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631 - 640 of 707 for Polar coordinatesSearch Results

A class of complete orientable minimal surfaces of R^3 derived from Enneper's minimal surface. They are named for the mathematicians who found the first two examples in 1982. ...
A cyclide is a pair of focal conics which are the envelopes of two one-parameter families of spheres, sometimes also called a cyclid. The cyclide is a quartic surface, and ...
A differential k-form is a tensor of tensor rank k that is antisymmetric under exchange of any pair of indices. The number of algebraically independent components in n ...
Let the elliptic modulus k satisfy 0<k^2<1. (This may also be written in terms of the parameter m=k^2 or modular angle alpha=sin^(-1)k.) The incomplete elliptic integral of ...
The Epstein zeta function for a n×n matrix S of a positive definite real quadratic form and rho a complex variable with R[rho]>n/2 (where R[z] denotes the real part) is ...
In the Minkowski space of special relativity, a four-vector is a four-element vector x^mu=(x^0,x^1,x^2,x^3) that transforms under a Lorentz transformation like the position ...
The gnomon was an L-shaped movable sundial used for astronomical studies. It operated by resting on one leg so that the other pointed vertically upward. By measuring the ...
Graham's biggest little hexagon is the largest possible (not necessarily regular) convex hexagon with polygon diameter 1 (i.e., for which no two of the vertices are more than ...
An important theorem in plane geometry, also known as Hero's formula. Given the lengths of the sides a, b, and c and the semiperimeter s=1/2(a+b+c) (1) of a triangle, Heron's ...
The homotopy groups generalize the fundamental group to maps from higher dimensional spheres, instead of from the circle. The nth homotopy group of a topological space X is ...
