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The Radon transform is an integral transform whose inverse is used to reconstruct images from medical CT scans. A technique for using Radon transforms to reconstruct a map of ...
A random matrix is a matrix of given type and size whose entries consist of random numbers from some specified distribution. Random matrix theory is cited as one of the ...
A recurrence equation (also called a difference equation) is the discrete analog of a differential equation. A difference equation involves an integer function f(n) in a form ...
The (first) rhombic dodecahedron is the dual polyhedron of the cuboctahedron A_1 (Holden 1971, p. 55) and Wenninger dual W_(11). Its sometimes also called the rhomboidal ...
To pick a random point on the surface of a unit sphere, it is incorrect to select spherical coordinates theta and phi from uniform distributions theta in [0,2pi) and phi in ...
The Steinmetz solid is the solid common to two (or three) right circular cylinders of equal radii intersecting at right angles is called the Steinmetz solid. Two cylinders ...
A statistical distribution published by William Gosset in 1908. His employer, Guinness Breweries, required him to publish under a pseudonym, so he chose "Student." Given N ...
A surface of revolution is a surface generated by rotating a two-dimensional curve about an axis. The resulting surface therefore always has azimuthal symmetry. Examples of ...
Tait's Hamiltonian graph conjecture asserted that every cubic polyhedral graph is Hamiltonian. It was proposed by Tait in 1880 and refuted by Tutte (1946) with a ...
The Taniyama-Shimura conjecture, since its proof now sometimes known as the modularity theorem, is very general and important conjecture (and now theorem) connecting topology ...
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