To pick a random point on the surface of a unit sphere, it is incorrect to select spherical coordinates and
from uniform distributions
, since the area element
is a function of
, and hence points picked in this way will be "bunched"
near the poles (left figure above).
random points can be picked on a unit sphere in the Wolfram
Language using the function RandomPoint[Sphere[], n].
To obtain points such that any small area on the sphere is expected to contain the same number of points (right figure above), choose and
to be random variates on
. Then
| |||
gives the spherical coordinates for a set of points which are uniformly distributed over . This works since the differential element of solid
angle is given by
The distribution
of polar angles can be found from
by taking the derivative of (2) with respect to to get
, solving (2) for
, and plugging the results back in to (4)
to obtain the distribution
Similarly, we can pick to be uniformly distributed (so we have
) and obtain the points
| |||
| |||
which are also uniformly distributed over
Marsaglia (1972) derived an elegant method that consists of picking and
from independent uniform distributions on
and rejecting points for which
. From the remaining points,
| |||
| |||
have a uniform distribution on the surface of a unit sphere. This method can also be extended to hypersphere point picking. The plots above show the distribution of points for 100, 1000, and 5000 initial points (where the counts refer to the number of points before throwing away).
Cook (1957) extended a method of von Neumann (1951) to give a simple method of picking points uniformly distributed on the surface of a unit
sphere. Pick four numbers ,
, and
from a uniform distribution
and reject pairs with
From the remaining points, the rules of quaternion transformation then imply that the points with Cartesian coordinates
| |||
| |||
have the desired distribution (Cook 1957, Marsaglia 1972). The plots above show the distribution of points for 100, 1000, and 5000 initial points (where the counts refers to the number of points before throwing away).
Another easy way to pick a random point on a sphere is to generate three Gaussian random variables ,
, and
. Then the distribution of the vectors
is uniform over the surface (Muller 1959, Marsaglia 1972).