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The Eiffel Tower graph is the graph on 7 vertices illustrated above. (Note that Koren et al. (2003) use the term 'Eiffel Tower graph' to refer instead to the (3,2)-fan ...
The Eisenstein integers, sometimes also called the Eisenstein-Jacobi integers (Finch 2003, p. 601), are numbers of the form a+bomega, where a and b are normal integers, ...
Elder's theorem is a generalization of Stanley's theorem which states that the total number of occurrences of an integer k among all unordered partitions of n is equal to the ...
The classic treatise in geometry written by Euclid and used as a textbook for more than 1000 years in western Europe. An Arabic version The Elements appears at the end of the ...
The elliptic curve factorization method, abbreviated ECM and sometimes also called the Lenstra elliptic curve method, is a factorization algorithm that computes a large ...
Elliptic curve primality proving, abbreviated ECPP, is class of algorithms that provide certificates of primality using sophisticated results from the theory of elliptic ...
The Engel expansion, also called the Egyptian product, of a positive real number x is the unique increasing sequence {a_1,a_2,...} of positive integers a_i such that ...
A self-intersecting minimal surface which can be generated using the Enneper-Weierstrass parameterization with f(z) = 1 (1) g(z) = zeta. (2) Letting z=re^(iphi) and taking ...
The path traced out by a point P on the edge of a circle of radius b rolling on the outside of a circle of radius a. An epicycloid is therefore an epitrochoid with h=b. ...
The terms of equational logic are built up from variables and constants using function symbols (or operations). Identities (equalities) of the form s=t, (1) where s and t are ...
