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A polygon which has both a circumcircle (which touches each vertex) and an incircle (which is tangent to each side). All triangles are bicentric with R^2-x^2=2Rr, (1) where R ...
A bicentric quadrilateral, also called a cyclic-inscriptable quadrilateral, is a four-sided bicentric polygon. The inradius r, circumradius R, and offset x are connected by ...
A bicubic graph is a bipartite cubic graph. Tutte (1971) conjectured that all 3-connected bicubic graphs are Hamiltonian (the Tutte conjecture), but a number of bicubic ...
The biggest little polygon with n sides is the convex plane n-gon of unit polygon diameter having largest possible area. Reinhardt (1922) showed that for n odd, the regular ...
Bilinski (1960) noted that by collapsing any one of the five zones of the rhombic icosahedron, a second rhombic dodecahedron distinct from the dual polyhedron of the ...
Roman (1984, p. 26) defines "the" binomial identity as the equation p_n(x+y)=sum_(k=0)^n(n; k)p_k(y)p_(n-k)(x). (1) Iff the sequence p_n(x) satisfies this identity for all y ...
A binomial number is a number of the form a^n+/-b^n, where a,b, and n are integers. Binomial numbers can be factored algebraically as ...
A biplanar graph is defined as a graph that is the graph union of two planar edge-induced subgraphs. In other words, biplanar graphs are graphs with graph thickness 1 or 2 ...
A bishop graph is a graph formed from possible moves of a bishop chess piece, which may make diagonal moves of any length on a chessboard (or any other board). To form the ...
Find the maximum number of bishops B(n) that can be placed on an n×n chessboard such that no two attack each other. The answer is 2n-2 (Dudeney 1970, Madachy 1979), giving ...
