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Orthogonal polynomials are classes of polynomials {p_n(x)} defined over a range [a,b] that obey an orthogonality relation int_a^bw(x)p_m(x)p_n(x)dx=delta_(mn)c_n, (1) where ...
A partition is a way of writing an integer n as a sum of positive integers where the order of the addends is not significant, possibly subject to one or more additional ...
Percolation, the fundamental notion at the heart of percolation theory, is a difficult idea to define precisely though it is quite easy to describe qualitatively. From the ...
The beautiful arrangement of leaves in some plants, called phyllotaxis, obeys a number of subtle mathematical relationships. For instance, the florets in the head of a ...
A prime number (or prime integer, often simply called a "prime" for short) is a positive integer p>1 that has no positive integer divisors other than 1 and p itself. More ...
A positive integer n is called a base-b Rhonda number if the product of the base-b digits of n is equal to b times the sum of n's prime factors. These numbers were named by ...
The Steinmetz solid is the solid common to two (or three) right circular cylinders of equal radii intersecting at right angles is called the Steinmetz solid. Two cylinders ...
The stella octangula is a polyhedron compound composed of a tetrahedron and its dual (a second tetrahedron rotated 180 degrees with respect to the first). The stella ...
The geometric centroid (center of mass) of the polygon vertices of a triangle is the point G (sometimes also denoted M) which is also the intersection of the triangle's three ...
An unfolding is the cutting along edges and flattening out of a polyhedron to form a net. Determining how to unfold a polyhedron into a net is tricky. For example, cuts ...
