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1441 - 1450 of 1641 for Legendre Functionofthe Second KindSearch Results

Let s_i be the sum of the products of distinct polynomial roots r_j of the polynomial equation of degree n a_nx^n+a_(n-1)x^(n-1)+...+a_1x+a_0=0, (1) where the roots are taken ...
The "witch of Agnesi" is a curve studied by Maria Agnesi in 1748 in her book Instituzioni analitiche ad uso della gioventù italiana (the first surviving mathematical work ...
The first Brocard point is the interior point Omega (also denoted tau_1 or Z_1) of a triangle DeltaABC with points labeled in counterclockwise order for which the angles ...
A graph G is hypohamiltonian if G is nonhamiltonian, but G-v is Hamiltonian for every v in V (Bondy and Murty 1976, p. 61). The Petersen graph, which has ten nodes, is the ...
If r is a root of a nonzero polynomial equation a_nx^n+a_(n-1)x^(n-1)+...+a_1x+a_0=0, (1) where the a_is are integers (or equivalently, rational numbers) and r satisfies no ...
An algorithm is a specific set of instructions for carrying out a procedure or solving a problem, usually with the requirement that the procedure terminate at some point. ...
A discontinuity is point at which a mathematical object is discontinuous. The left figure above illustrates a discontinuity in a one-variable function while the right figure ...
The Gray graph is a cubic semisymmetric graph on 54 vertices. It was discovered by Marion C. Gray in 1932, and was first published by Bouwer (1968). Malnič et al. (2002) ...
A group G is a finite or infinite set of elements together with a binary operation (called the group operation) that together satisfy the four fundamental properties of ...
