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Take x itself to be a bracketing, then recursively define a bracketing as a sequence B=(B_1,...,B_k) where k>=2 and each B_i is a bracketing. A bracketing can be represented ...
A generalized Fourier series is a series expansion of a function based on the special properties of a complete orthogonal system of functions. The prototypical example of ...
Also called Radau quadrature (Chandrasekhar 1960). A Gaussian quadrature with weighting function W(x)=1 in which the endpoints of the interval [-1,1] are included in a total ...
A Maclaurin series is a Taylor series expansion of a function about 0, (1) Maclaurin series are named after the Scottish mathematician Colin Maclaurin. The Maclaurin series ...
The prime counting function is the function pi(x) giving the number of primes less than or equal to a given number x (Shanks 1993, p. 15). For example, there are no primes ...
The Gauss map is a function N from an oriented surface M in Euclidean space R^3 to the unit sphere in R^3. It associates to every point on the surface its oriented unit ...
The notion of parallel transport on a manifold M makes precise the idea of translating a vector field V along a differentiable curve to attain a new vector field V^' which is ...
If there is an integer 0<x<p such that x^2=q (mod p), (1) i.e., the congruence (1) has a solution, then q is said to be a quadratic residue (mod p). Note that the trivial ...
A cubic polynomial is a polynomial of degree 3. A univariate cubic polynomial has the form f(x)=a_3x^3+a_2x^2+a_1x+a_0. An equation involving a cubic polynomial is called a ...
A quadratic polynomial is a polynomial of degree 2. A univariate quadratic polynomial has the form f(x)=a_2x^2+a_1x+a_0. An equation involving a quadratic polynomial is ...
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