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Given a square complex or real matrix A, a matrix norm ||A|| is a nonnegative number associated with A having the properties 1. ||A||>0 when A!=0 and ||A||=0 iff A=0, 2. ...
Let K be a field of arbitrary characteristic. Let v:K->R union {infty} be defined by the following properties: 1. v(x)=infty<=>x=0, 2. v(xy)=v(x)+v(y) forall x,y in K, and 3. ...
Define a = d(u,v)d(w,x) (1) b = d(u,w)d(v,x) (2) c = d(u,x)d(v,w), (3) where u, v, w, and x are vertices of a graph and d(i,j) is the graph distance between vertices i and j. ...
A quasiregular polyhedron is the solid region interior to two dual regular polyhedra with Schläfli symbols {p,q} and {q,p}. Quasiregular polyhedra are denoted using a ...
The field of semidefinite programming (SDP) or semidefinite optimization (SDO) deals with optimization problems over symmetric positive semidefinite matrix variables with ...
A two-dimensional map also called the Taylor-Greene-Chirikov map in some of the older literature and defined by I_(n+1) = I_n+Ksintheta_n (1) theta_(n+1) = theta_n+I_(n+1) ...
A sum-product number is a number n such that the sum of n's digits times the product of n's digit is n itself, for example 135=(1+3+5)(1·3·5). (1) Obviously, such a number ...
An exponential sum of the form sum_(n=1)^Ne^(2piiP(n)), (1) where P(n) is a real polynomial (Weyl 1914, 1916; Montgomery 2001). Writing e(theta)=e^(2piitheta), (2) a notation ...
The binomial coefficient (n; k) is the number of ways of picking k unordered outcomes from n possibilities, also known as a combination or combinatorial number. The symbols ...
The prime number theorem gives an asymptotic form for the prime counting function pi(n), which counts the number of primes less than some integer n. Legendre (1808) suggested ...
