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131 - 140 of 524 for Factors, multiples, and divisibilitySearch Results
(dy)/(dx)+p(x)y=q(x)y^n. (1) Let v=y^(1-n) for n!=1. Then (dv)/(dx)=(1-n)y^(-n)(dy)/(dx). (2) Rewriting (1) gives y^(-n)(dy)/(dx) = q(x)-p(x)y^(1-n) (3) = q(x)-vp(x). (4) ...
The qubit |psi>=a|0>+b|1> can be represented as a point (theta,phi) on a unit sphere called the Bloch sphere. Define the angles theta and phi by letting a=cos(theta/2) and ...
Given a factor a of a number n=ab, the cofactor of a is b=n/a. A different type of cofactor, sometimes called a cofactor matrix, is a signed version of a minor M_(ij) defined ...
A composite knot is a knot that is not a prime knot. Schubert (1949) showed that every knot can be uniquely decomposed (up to the order in which the decomposition is ...
The EKG sequence is the integer sequence having 1 as its first term, 2 as its second, and with each succeeding term being the smallest number not already used that shares a ...
Let Delta denote an integral convex polytope of dimension n in a lattice M, and let l_Delta(k) denote the number of lattice points in Delta dilated by a factor of the integer ...
The elliptic exponential function eexp_(a,b)(u) gives the value of x in the elliptic logarithm eln_(a,b)(x)=1/2int_infty^x(dt)/(sqrt(t^3+at^2+bt)) for a and b real such that ...
A map projection in which areas on a sphere, and the areas of any features contained on it, are mapped to the plane in such a way that two are related by a constant scaling ...
erf(z) is the "error function" encountered in integrating the normal distribution (which is a normalized form of the Gaussian function). It is an entire function defined by ...
Erfc is the complementary error function, commonly denoted erfc(z), is an entire function defined by erfc(z) = 1-erf(z) (1) = 2/(sqrt(pi))int_z^inftye^(-t^2)dt. (2) It is ...
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