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231 - 240 of 493 for Elongated Triangular PyramidSearch Results
The Errera graph is the 17-node planar graph illustrated above that tangles the Kempe chains in Kempe's algorithm and thus provides an example of how Kempe's supposed proof ...
A stereohedron is a convex polyhedron that is isohedrally space-filling, meaning the symmetries of a tiling of copies of a stereohedron take any copy to any other copy. The ...
There are a number of attractive polyhedron compounds involving four cubes, several of which are illustrated above. The first (left figures), also known as Bakos' compound, ...
A square number, also called a perfect square, is a figurate number of the form S_n=n^2, where n is an integer. The square numbers for n=0, 1, ... are 0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, ...
The 13 Archimedean solids are the convex polyhedra that have a similar arrangement of nonintersecting regular convex polygons of two or more different types arranged in the ...
A parallelohedron is a space-filling polyhedron that fills space using an infinite number of similarly situated copies (Tutton 1964, pp. 567 and 723; Coxeter 1973, pp. ...
One of the eight convex deltahedra built up from 16 equilateral triangles. It consists of two oppositely faced square pyramids rotated 45 degrees to each other and separated ...
It is possible to construct simple functions which produce growing patterns. For example, the Baxter-Hickerson function f(n)=1/3(2·10^(5n)-10^(4n)+2·10^(3n)+10^(2n)+10^n+1) ...
A dipyramid with a square base. The octahedron is a special case of a square dipyramid with equal edge lengths. The volume of a square dipyramid with base edge lengths a and ...
A k-regular simple graph G on nu nodes is strongly k-regular if there exist positive integers k, lambda, and mu such that every vertex has k neighbors (i.e., the graph is a ...
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