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621 - 630 of 1485 for Elliptic integralSearch Results

If a Sylow 2-subgroup T of G lies in a unique maximal 2-local P of G, then P is a "strongly embedded" subgroup of G, and G is known.
A circle-preserving transformation composed of an even number of inversions.
Given a point set P={x_n}_(n=0)^(N-1) in the s-dimensional unit cube [0,1)^s, the local discrepancy is defined as D(J,P)=|(number of x_n in J)/N-Vol(J)|, Vol(J) is the ...
The terms "measure," "measurable," etc. have very precise technical definitions (usually involving sigma-algebras) that can make them appear difficult to understand. However, ...
A moment sequence is a sequence {mu_n}_(n=0)^infty defined for n=0, 1, ... by mu_n=int_0^1t^ndalpha(t), where alpha(t) is a function of bounded variation in the interval ...
A strong inequality in which a is not only less than b, but much less (by some convention) is denoted a<<b.
A mathematical object S is said to be multiplicatively closed if a,b in S implies that ab in S.
A normalized form of the cumulative normal distribution function giving the probability that a variate assumes a value in the range [0,x], ...
A prime field is a finite field GF(p) for p is prime.
The word quadrature has (at least) three incompatible meanings. Integration by quadrature either means solving an integral analytically (i.e., symbolically in terms of known ...
