

The terms "measure," "measurable," etc. have very precise technical definitions (usually involving sigma-algebras) that can make them appear difficult to understand. However, the technical nature of the definitions is extremely important, since it gives a firm footing to concepts that are the basis for much of analysis (including some of the slippery underpinnings of calculus).

For example, every definition of an integral is based on a particular measure: the Riemann integral is based on Jordan measure, and the Lebesgue integral is based on Lebesgue measure. The study of measures and their application to integration is known as measure theory.

A measure is defined as a nonnegative real function from a delta-ring F such that


where emptyset is the empty set, and


for any finite or countable collection of pairwise disjoint sets (A_n) in F such that A= union A_n is also in F.

If F is sigma-finite and m is bounded, then m can be extended uniquely to a measure defined on the sigma-algebra generated by F.

m is said to be a probability measure on a set X if m(X)=1 and F is a sigma-algebra.

In the usual definition of a probability measure (or, more precisely a nontrivial sigma-additive measure), a measure is a real-valued function mu on the Power Set P(S) of an infinite set S that satisfies the following properties:

1. mu(emptyset)=0 and mu(S)=1,

2. If X subset= Y then mu(x)<=mu(Y),

3. mu({a})=0 for all a in S (nontriviality),

4. If X_n,n=0,1,2,..., are pairwise disjoint, then

 mu( union _(n=0)^inftyX_n)=sum_(n=0)^inftymu(X_n)

(Jech 1997).

A measure m may be extended by completion. The subsets of sets with measure zero form a delta-ring G. By "changing" sets in F on a set from G, a delta-ring F_c which is the completion of F with respect to m is obtained.

The measure m is called complete if F=F_c. If m is not complete, it may be extended to F_c by setting m((A\B) union (B\A))=m(A), where A in F and B in G.

See also

Almost Everywhere, Borel Measure, Ergodic Measure, Euler Measure, Gauss Measure, Haar Measure, Hausdorff Measure, Helson-Szegö Measure, Integral, Jordan Measure, Lebesgue Measure, Liouville Measure, Mahler Measure, Measurable Space, Measure Algebra, Measure Space, Minkowski Measure, Natural Measure, Probability Measure, Radon Measure, Wiener Measure Explore this topic in the MathWorld classroom

Portions of this entry contributed by Allan Cortzen

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Czyz, J. Paradoxes of Measures and Dimensions Originating in Felix Hausdorff's Ideas. Singapore: World Scientific, 1994.Jech, T. J. Set Theory, 2nd ed. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, p. 295, 1997.

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Cortzen, Allan and Weisstein, Eric W. "Measure." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource.

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