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Algebraic number theory is the branch of number theory that deals with algebraic numbers. Historically, algebraic number theory developed as a set of tools for solving ...
A square matrix A is antihermitian if it satisfies A^(H)=-A, (1) where A^(H) is the adjoint. For example, the matrix [i 1+i 2i; -1+i 5i 3; 2i -3 0] (2) is an antihermitian ...
An antisymmetric matrix, also known as a skew-symmetric or antimetric matrix, is a square matrix that satisfies the identity A=-A^(T) (1) where A^(T) is the matrix transpose. ...
Baer's criterion, also known as Baer's test, states that a module M over a unit ring R is injective iff every module homomorphism from an ideal of R to M can be extended to a ...
The Barth decic is a decic surface in complex three-dimensional projective space having the maximum possible number of ordinary double points, namely 345. It is given by the ...
A braid is an intertwining of some number of strings attached to top and bottom "bars" such that each string never "turns back up." In other words, the path of each string in ...
A braid index is the least number of strings needed to make a closed braid representation of a link. The braid index is equal to the least number of Seifert circles in any ...
In 1850, Bravais demonstrated that crystals were comprised of 14 different types of unit cells: simple cubic, body-centered cubic, face-centered cubic; simple tetragonal, ...
A coordinate system (mu,nu,psi) defined by the coordinate transformation x = (munu)/((mu^2+nu^2)^2)cospsi (1) y = (munu)/((mu^2+nu^2)^2)sinpsi (2) z = ...
Let A be a commutative complex Banach algebra. A nonzero homomorphism from A onto the field of complex numbers is called a character. Every character is automatically ...
