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In combinatorial logic minimization, a device known as a Karnaugh map is frequently used. It is similar to a truth table, but the various variables are represented along two ...
The Kermack-McKendrick model is an SIR model for the number of people infected with a contagious illness in a closed population over time. It was proposed to explain the ...
The Klein bottle crossing number of a graph G is the minimum number of crossings possible when embedding G on a Klein bottle (cf. Garnder 1986, pp. 137-138). While the ...
Kurtosis is defined as a normalized form of the fourth central moment mu_4 of a distribution. There are several flavors of kurtosis, the most commonly encountered variety of ...
The nth root of the denominator B_n of the nth convergent A_n/B_n of a number x tends to a constant lim_(n->infty)B_n^(1/n) = e^beta (1) = e^(pi^2/(12ln2)) (2) = 3.275823... ...
Lorentzian n-space is the inner product space consisting of the vector space R^n together with the n-dimensional Lorentzian inner product. In the event that the (1,n-1) ...
Roughly speaking, a tangent vector is an infinitesimal displacement at a specific point on a manifold. The set of tangent vectors at a point P forms a vector space called the ...
The inverse of a square matrix A, sometimes called a reciprocal matrix, is a matrix A^(-1) such that AA^(-1)=I, (1) where I is the identity matrix. Courant and Hilbert (1989, ...
By way of analogy with the prime counting function pi(x), the notation pi_(a,b)(x) denotes the number of primes of the form ak+b less than or equal to x (Shanks 1993, pp. ...
A normalized form of the cumulative normal distribution function giving the probability that a variate assumes a value in the range [0,x], ...
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