Lorentzian -space
is the inner product space consisting of the
vector space
together with the
-dimensional Lorentzian
inner product.
In the event that the metric signature is used, Lorentzian
-space is denoted
; the notation
is used analogously with the metric signature
The Lorentzian inner product induces a norm on Lorentzian space, whereby the squared norm of a vector has the form
by definition), the norm in (0) can be written as
In particular, the norm induced by the Lorentzian inner product fails to be positive definite, whereby it makes sense to classify vectors in -dimensional Lorentzian space into types based on the sign
of their squared norm, e.g., as spacelike, timelike,
and lightlike. The collection of all lightlike vectors
in Lorentzian
is known as the light cone, which is further separated
into lightlike vectors which are positive and
negative lightlike. A similar distinction is
made for positive and negative
timelike vectors as well.
Sometimes, the -dimensional
Lorentzian norm is written
to avoid confusion with the standard Euclidean
norm; one may also write
for the Lorentzian inner product of two vectors
Lorentzian space comes up in a number of contexts throughout pure and applied mathematics. In particular, four-dimensional Lorentzian space is known as Minkowski
space and forms the basis of the study of spacetime within special relativity.
What's more, the collection
consisting of all vectors in having imaginary Lorentzian length forms a two-sheeted
hyperboloid of vectors
satisfying the identity
; upon identifying antipodal
vectors of
(or, equivalently, upon discarding the negative sheet of vectors which satisfy
), one arrives at the so-called
hyperboloid model for hyperbolic