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The Tschirnhausen cubic is a plane curve given by the polar equation r=asec^3(1/3theta). (1) Letting theta=3tan^(-1)t gives the parametric equations x = a(1-3t^2) (2) y = ...
A hyperboloid is a quadratic surface which may be one- or two-sheeted. The two-sheeted hyperboloid is a surface of revolution obtained by rotating a hyperbola about the line ...
Underdamped simple harmonic motion is a special case of damped simple harmonic motion x^..+betax^.+omega_0^2x=0 (1) in which beta^2-4omega_0^2<0. (2) Since we have ...
Just as the ratio of the arc length of a semicircle to its radius is always pi, the ratio P of the arc length of the parabolic segment formed by the latus rectum of any ...
A Vandermonde matrix is a type of matrix that arises in the polynomial least squares fitting, Lagrange interpolating polynomials (Hoffman and Kunze p. 114), and the ...
Let s_i be the sum of the products of distinct polynomial roots r_j of the polynomial equation of degree n a_nx^n+a_(n-1)x^(n-1)+...+a_1x+a_0=0, (1) where the roots are taken ...
Four circles may be drawn through an arbitrary point P on a torus. The first two circles are obvious: one is in the plane of the torus and the second perpendicular to it. The ...
The "witch of Agnesi" is a curve studied by Maria Agnesi in 1748 in her book Instituzioni analitiche ad uso della gioventù italiana (the first surviving mathematical work ...
The constant e is base of the natural logarithm. e is sometimes known as Napier's constant, although its symbol (e) honors Euler. e is the unique number with the property ...
The nth root (or "nth radical") of a quantity z is a value r such that z=r^n, and therefore is the inverse function to the taking of a power. The nth root is denoted ...
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