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1621 - 1630 of 3632 for Diophantine Equation 2nd PowersSearch Results
Let A and B_j be sets. Conditional probability requires that P(A intersection B_j)=P(A)P(B_j|A), (1) where intersection denotes intersection ("and"), and also that P(A ...
If g(x) is differentiable at the point x and f(x) is differentiable at the point g(x), then f degreesg is differentiable at x. Furthermore, let y=f(g(x)) and u=g(x), then ...
Apply Markov's inequality with a=k^2 to obtain P[(x-mu)^2>=k^2]<=(<(x-mu)^2>)/(k^2)=(sigma^2)/(k^2). (1) Therefore, if a random variable x has a finite mean mu and finite ...
Given a symmetric positive definite matrix A, the Cholesky decomposition is an upper triangular matrix U with strictly positive diagonal entries such that A=U^(T)U. Cholesky ...
The Cramér conjecture is the unproven conjecture that lim sup_(n->infty)(p_(n+1)-p_n)/((lnp_n)^2)=1, where p_n is the nth prime.
A Turing machine is called deterministic if there is always at most one instruction associated with a given present internal state/tape state pair (q,s). Otherwise, it is ...
A module over a unit ring R is called divisible if, for all r in R which are not zero divisors, every element m of M can be "divided" by r, in the sense that there is an ...
An Euler-Jacobi pseudoprime to a base a is an odd composite number n such that (a,n)=1 and the Jacobi symbol (a/n) satisfies (a/n)=a^((n-1)/2) (mod n) (Guy 1994; but note ...
The extended mean-value theorem (Anton 1984, pp. 543-544), also known as the Cauchy mean-value theorem (Anton 1984, pp. 543) and Cauchy's mean-value formula (Apostol 1967, p. ...
If a function f(x) is continuous on a closed interval [a,b], then f(x) has both a maximum and a minimum on [a,b]. If f(x) has an extremum on an open interval (a,b), then the ...
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