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12571 - 12580 of 13135 for Coordinate GeometrySearch Results

A finite field is a field with a finite field order (i.e., number of elements), also called a Galois field. The order of a finite field is always a prime or a power of a ...
An (n,k)-firecracker is a graph obtained by the concatenation of n k-stars by linking one leaf from each (Chen et al. 1997, Gallian 2007). Firecracker graphs are graceful ...
A fixed point is a point that does not change upon application of a map, system of differential equations, etc. In particular, a fixed point of a function f(x) is a point x_0 ...
A floating-point number is a finite or infinite number that is representable in a floating-point format, i.e., a floating-point representation that is not a NaN. In the IEEE ...
The flower snarks, denoted J_n for n=5, 7, 9, ..., are a family of graphs discovered by Isaacs (1975) which are snarks. The construction for flower snarks may be generalized ...
The folded n-cube graph, perhaps better termed "folded hypercube graph," is a graph obtained by merging vertices of the n-hypercube graph Q_n that are antipodal, i.e., lie at ...
The fork graph, sometimes also called the chair graph, is the 5-vertex tree illustrated above. It could perhaps also be known as the 'h graph' (but not to be confused with ...
Cubic symmetric graphs are sometimes called Foster graphs and denoted F_(nnn)X, where nnn is the vertex count and X is a letter A, B, C, ... indicating the particular such ...
The function frac(x) giving the fractional (noninteger) part of a real number x. The symbol {x} is sometimes used instead of frac(x) (Graham et al. 1994, p. 70; Havil 2003, ...
The Fritsch graph is the 9-node planar graph illustrated above that tangles the Kempe chains in Kempe's algorithm and thus provides an example of how Kempe's supposed proof ...
