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Let f:M|->N be a map between two compact, connected, oriented n-dimensional manifolds without boundary. Then f induces a homomorphism f_* from the homology groups H_n(M) to ...
(1-x^2)(d^2y)/(dx^2)-x(dy)/(dx)+alpha^2y=0 (1) for |x|<1. The Chebyshev differential equation has regular singular points at -1, 1, and infty. It can be solved by series ...
A compact manifold is a manifold that is compact as a topological space. Examples are the circle (the only one-dimensional compact manifold) and the n-dimensional sphere and ...
A set in R^n which can be reduced to one of its points, say P, by a continuous deformation, is said to be contractible. The transformation is such that each point of the set ...
Given a compact manifold M and a transversely orientable codimension-one foliation F on M which is tangent to partialM, the pair (M,F) is called a generalized Reeb component ...
The Gömböc (meaning "sphere-like" in Hungarian) is the name given to a class of convex solids which possess a unique stable and a unique unstable point of equilibrium. ...
If J is a simple closed curve in R^2, then the Jordan curve theorem, also called the Jordan-Brouwer theorem (Spanier 1966) states that R^2-J has two components (an "inside" ...
A Lyapunov function is a scalar function V(y) defined on a region D that is continuous, positive definite, V(y)>0 for all y!=0), and has continuous first-order partial ...
The minimal enclosing circle problem, sometimes also known as the bomb problem, is the problem of finding the circle of smallest radius that contains a given set of points in ...
The moment of inertia with respect to a given axis of a solid body with density rho(r) is defined by the volume integral I=intrho(r)r__|_^2dV, (1) where r__|_ is the ...
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