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There exists no known P algorithm for graph isomorphism testing, although the problem has also not been shown to be NP-complete. In fact, the problem of identifying ...
A path in a graph G is a subgraph of G that is a path graph (West 2000, p. 20). The length of a path is the number of edges it contains. In most contexts, a path must contain ...
Let the vertices of a graph G be numbered with distinct integers 1 to |G|. Then the dilation of G is the maximum (absolute) difference between integers assigned to adjacent ...
A simple unlabeled graph whose connectivity is considered purely on the basis of topological equivalence, so that two edges (v_1,v_2) and (v_2,v_3) joined by a node v_2 of ...
A graph G is fully reconstructible in C^d if the graph is determined from its d-dimensional measurement variety. If G is globally rigid in R^d on n>=d+2 vertices, then G is ...
A weakly perfect graph is a graph for which omega(G)=chi(G) (without any requirement that this condition also hold on induced subgraphs, which is required for a graph to be ...
A connected bipartite graph is called Hamilton-laceable, a term apparently introduced in Simmons (1978), if it has a u-v Hamiltonian path for all pairs of vertices u and v, ...
A nut graph is a graph on n>=2 vertices with adjacency matrix A such that A has matrix rank 1 and contains no 0 element (Sciriha 1998, 2008; Sciriha and Gutman, 1998; and ...
A rooted graph is a graph in which one node is labeled in a special way so as to distinguish it from other nodes. The special node is called the root of the graph. The rooted ...
The likelihood of a simple graph is defined by starting with the set S_1={(K_11)}. The following procedure is then iterated to produce a set of graphs G_n of order n. At step ...
