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In this work, the name Pythagoras's constant will be given to the square root of 2, sqrt(2)=1.4142135623... (1) (OEIS A002193), which the Pythagoreans proved to be ...
Define the packing density eta of a packing of spheres to be the fraction of a volume filled by the spheres. In three dimensions, there are three periodic packings for ...
N_phi(m) is the number of integers n for which the totient function phi(n)=m, also called the multiplicity of m (Guy 1994). Erdős (1958) proved that if a multiplicity occurs ...
The factorial n! is defined for a positive integer n as n!=n(n-1)...2·1. (1) So, for example, 4!=4·3·2·1=24. An older notation for the factorial was written (Mellin 1909; ...
A harmonic number is a number of the form H_n=sum_(k=1)^n1/k (1) arising from truncation of the harmonic series. A harmonic number can be expressed analytically as ...
The angles mpi/n (with m,n integers) for which the trigonometric functions may be expressed in terms of finite root extraction of real numbers are limited to values of m ...
The constant e is base of the natural logarithm. e is sometimes known as Napier's constant, although its symbol (e) honors Euler. e is the unique number with the property ...
257 is a Fermat prime, and the 257-gon is therefore a constructible polygon using compass and straightedge, as proved by Gauss. An illustration of the 257-gon is not included ...
An Abelian category is a category for which the constructions and techniques of homological algebra are available. The basic examples of such categories are the category of ...
The absolute value of a real number x is denoted |x| and defined as the "unsigned" portion of x, |x| = xsgn(x) (1) = {-x for x<=0; x for x>=0, (2) where sgn(x) is the sign ...
