An Abelian category is a category for which the constructions and techniques of homological algebra are available. The basic examples of such categories are the category of Abelian groups and, more generally, the category of modules over a ring. Abelian categories are widely used in algebra, algebraic geometry, and topology.
Many of the same constructions that are found in categories of modules, such as kernels, exact sequences, and commutative diagrams are available in Abelian categories. A disadvantage that must be overcome is the fact that the objects in a category do not necessarily have elements that can be manipulated directly, so the traditional definitions do not work. As a result, methods must be developed that allow definition and manipulation of objects without the use of elements.
As an example, consider the definition of the kernel of a morphism, which states that given , the kernel of
is defined to be a morphism
such that all morphisms
such that
, factor through
. Notice that this definition does not guarantee that the kernel
exists, but only gives properties which uniquely identify it if it does exist. Similar
work must be done to define the cokernel of a morphism.
With these definitions, a category can be defined as Abelian if it satisfies the following five properties:
1. For two objects
the set
of morphisms from
has the structure of an Abelian group. This group structure
must be arranged so that composition of morphisms is bilinear.
2. There is an object, denoted 0, that is both an initial object and a terminal object.
3. Products and coproducts of finite collections of objects always exist.
4. Kernels and cokernels always exist.
5. If
is a morphism whose kernel is 0, then
is the kernel of its cokernel. If
is a morphism whose cokernel is 0, then
is the cokernel of its kernel.
A category that satisfies only the first three properties is called an additive category.
Examples of Abelian categories include:
1. For a commutative ring , the category of modules
is an Abelian category. This is the basic example.
2. The category of vector bundles over a fixed topological space is an Abelian category.
3. The category of sheaves over a topological space is an Abelian category.
Freyd's theorem states that every Abelian category is a subcategory of some category of modules over a ring. Mitchell (1964) has strengthened this, saying every Abelian category is a full subcategory of a category of modules over a ring. Despite this result, the terminology and methods of Abelian categories remain useful and powerful.