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The Riemann zeta function is an extremely important special function of mathematics and physics that arises in definite integration and is intimately related with very deep ...
The Euler-Mascheroni constant gamma, sometimes also called 'Euler's constant' or 'the Euler constant' (but not to be confused with the constant e=2.718281...) is defined as ...
Let P be a finite partially ordered set, then an antichain in P is a set of pairwise incomparable elements. Antichains are also called Sperner systems in older literature ...
The number of ways a set of n elements can be partitioned into nonempty subsets is called a Bell number and is denoted B_n (not to be confused with the Bernoulli number, ...
Consider the probability Q_1(n,d) that no two people out of a group of n will have matching birthdays out of d equally possible birthdays. Start with an arbitrary person's ...
Buffon's needle problem asks to find the probability that a needle of length l will land on a line, given a floor with equally spaced parallel lines a distance d apart. The ...
The Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind are a set of orthogonal polynomials defined as the solutions to the Chebyshev differential equation and denoted T_n(x). They are ...
A fullerene is a cubic polyhedral graph having all faces 5- or 6-cycles. Examples include the 20-vertex dodecahedral graph, 24-vertex generalized Petersen graph GP(12,2), ...
The Hermite polynomials H_n(x) are set of orthogonal polynomials over the domain (-infty,infty) with weighting function e^(-x^2), illustrated above for n=1, 2, 3, and 4. ...
The Lucas numbers are the sequence of integers {L_n}_(n=1)^infty defined by the linear recurrence equation L_n=L_(n-1)+L_(n-2) (1) with L_1=1 and L_2=3. The nth Lucas number ...
