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11081 - 11090 of 13135 for Analytic GeometrySearch Results
Deck transformations, also called covering transformations, are defined for any cover p:A->X. They act on A by homeomorphisms which preserve the projection p. Deck ...
The number d(n) of monotone Boolean functions of n variables (equivalent to one more than the number of antichains on the n-set {1,2,...,n}) is called the nth Dedkind number. ...
The Dejter graph is a weakly regular graph on 112 vertices and 336 edges with regular paremeters (nu,k,lambda,mu)=(112,6,0,(0,1,2)). It can be obtained by deleting a copy of ...
The initially palindromic numbers 1, 121, 12321, 1234321, 123454321, ... (OEIS A002477). For the first through ninth terms, the sequence is given by the generating function ...
A method of determining the maximum number of positive and negative real roots of a polynomial. For positive roots, start with the sign of the coefficient of the lowest (or ...
The detour matrix Delta, sometimes also called the maximum path matrix or maximal topological distances matrix, of a graph is a symmetric matrix whose (i,j)th entry is the ...
The detour polynomial of a graph G is the characteristic polynomial of the detour matrix of G. Precomputed detour polynomials for many named graphs are available in the ...
A diagonal matrix is a square matrix A of the form a_(ij)=c_idelta_(ij), (1) where delta_(ij) is the Kronecker delta, c_i are constants, and i,j=1, 2, ..., n, with no implied ...
An n×n-matrix A is said to be diagonalizable if it can be written on the form A=PDP^(-1), where D is a diagonal n×n matrix with the eigenvalues of A as its entries and P is a ...
A differential-algebraic equation (DAE) is a type of differential equation in which the derivatives are not (in general) expressed explicitly, and typically derivatives of ...
