is the Riemann zeta function and is the gamma function
(Gradshteyn and Ryzhik 2000, p. 1076; Hardy 1999, p. 41; Edwards 2001,
p. 16). This is a variant of the function originally defined by Riemann in his
landmark paper (Riemann 1859), where the above now standard notation follows Landau
(Edwards 2001, p. 16).
The zeros of
and of its derivatives are all located on the critical
where .
Therefore, the nontrivial zeros of the Riemann
zeta function exactly correspond to those of (i.e., the roots of are the same as those of for real ), with the additional benefit that is purely real.
The first few zeros occur at the values summarized in the following table (Wagon 1991, pp. 361-362 and 367-368; Havil 2003, p. 196; Odlyzko), where the
corresponding negative values are also roots. The integers closest to these values
are 14, 21, 25, 30, 33, 38, 41, 43, 48, 50, ... (OEIS A002410).
The numbers of zeros less than 10, , , ... are 0, 29, 649, 10142, 138069, 1747146, ... (OEIS
A072080; Odlyzko).
As stated by Riemann (1859) and first rigorously proved by Hadamard (1893), the xi-function can be written as
where the product runs over the roots of (Edwards 2001, pp. 17-21).
The xi-function extended into the complex plane
is illustrated above.
The function
is related to
(Gradshteyn and Ryzhik 2000, p. 1074; Edwards 2001, p. 16), which is the
function originally considered and actually denoted by Riemann (Edwards 2001, p. 16). This function can
also be defined as
Hardy (1914) proved that
has infinitely many real roots (Hardy's theorem),
Hardy and Littlewood (1921) proves that the number of real roots between 0 and is at least for some positive constant and all sufficiently large , and Selberg (1942) proved that this number is in fact at
for some positive
and all large
(Edwards 2001, p. 19).
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