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Define q=e^(2piitau) (cf. the usual nome), where tau is in the upper half-plane. Then the modular discriminant is defined by ...
The modular equation of degree n gives an algebraic connection of the form (K^'(l))/(K(l))=n(K^'(k))/(K(k)) (1) between the transcendental complete elliptic integrals of the ...
A function f is said to be an entire modular form of weight k if it satisfies 1. f is analytic in the upper half-plane H, 2. f((atau+b)/(ctau+d))=(ctau+d)^kf(tau) whenever [a ...
A function is said to be modular (or "elliptic modular") if it satisfies: 1. f is meromorphic in the upper half-plane H, 2. f(Atau)=f(tau) for every matrix A in the modular ...
The group Gamma of all Möbius transformations of the form tau^'=(atau+b)/(ctau+d), (1) where a, b, c, and d are integers with ad-bc=1. The group can be represented by the 2×2 ...
Let q be a positive integer, then Gamma_0(q) is defined as the set of all matrices [a b; c d] in the modular group Gamma Gamma with c=0 (mod q). Gamma_0(q) is a subgroup of ...
The set lambda of linear Möbius transformations w which satisfy w(t)=(at+b)/(ct+d), where a and d are odd and b and c are even. lambda is a subgroup of the modular group ...
Let A be an involutive algebra over the field C of complex numbers with involution xi|->xi^♯. Then A is a modular Hilbert algebra if A has an inner product <··> and a ...
A modular inverse of an integer b (modulo m) is the integer b^(-1) such that bb^(-1)=1 (mod m). A modular inverse can be computed in the Wolfram Language using PowerMod[b, ...
A lattice which satisfies the identity (x ^ y) v (x ^ z)=x ^ (y v (x ^ z)) is said to be modular.
