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A prime power is a prime or integer power of a prime. A test for a number n being a prime is implemented in the Wolfram Language as PrimePowerQ[n]. The first few prime powers ...
Ramanujan developed a number of interesting closed-form expressions for generalized continued fractions. These include the almost integers ...
A right strophoid is the strophoid of a line L with pole O not on L and fixed point O^' being the point where the perpendicular from O to L cuts L is called a right ...
A round number is a number that is the product of a considerable number of comparatively small factors (Hardy 1999, p. 48). Round numbers are very rare. As Hardy (1999, p. ...
Saalschütz's theorem is the generalized hypergeometric function identity _3F_2[a,b,-n; c,1+a+b-c-n;1]=((c-a)_n(c-b)_n)/((c)_n(c-a-b)_n) (1) which holds for n a nonnegative ...
The logarithmic integral is defined as the Cauchy principal value li(x) = PVint_0^x(dt)/(lnt) (1) = ...
The spherical curve taken by a ship which travels from the south pole to the north pole of a sphere while keeping a fixed (but not right) angle with respect to the meridians. ...
One or both of the square bracket symbols [ and ] are used in many different contexts in mathematics. 1. Square brackets are occasionally used in especially complex ...
There are at least two distinct notions of when a point process is stationary. The most commonly utilized terminology is as follows: Intuitively, a point process X defined on ...
Ramanujan's Dirichlet L-series is defined as f(s)=sum_(n=1)^infty(tau(n))/(n^s), (1) where tau(n) is the tau function. Note that the notation F(s) is sometimes used instead ...
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