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The permutation symbol (Evett 1966; Goldstein 1980, p. 172; Aris 1989, p. 16) is a three-index object sometimes called the Levi-Civita symbol (Weinberg 1972, p. 38; Misner et ...
The tangent space at a point p in an abstract manifold M can be described without the use of embeddings or coordinate charts. The elements of the tangent space are called ...
Goldbach's original conjecture (sometimes called the "ternary" Goldbach conjecture), written in a June 7, 1742 letter to Euler, states "at least it seems that every number ...
Given a smooth manifold M with an open cover U_i, a partition of unity subject to the cover U_i is a collection of smooth, nonnegative functions psi_i, such that the support ...
de Rham cohomology is a formal set-up for the analytic problem: If you have a differential k-form omega on a manifold M, is it the exterior derivative of another differential ...
A number n is called amenable if it can be built up from integers a_1, a_2, ..., a_k by either addition or multiplication such that sum_(i=1)^na_i=product_(i=1)^na_i=n (1) ...
The q-series identity product_(n=1)^(infty)((1-q^(2n))(1-q^(3n))(1-q^(8n))(1-q^(12n)))/((1-q^n)(1-q^(24n))) = ...
The q-analog of pi pi_q can be defined by setting a=0 in the q-factorial [a]_q!=1(1+q)(1+q+q^2)...(1+q+...+q^(a-1)) (1) to obtain ...
The acceleration of an element of fluid, given by the convective derivative of the velocity v, (Dv)/(Dt)=(partialv)/(partialt)+v·del v, where del is the gradient operator.
For any function f:A->B (where A and B are any sets), the kernel (also called the null space) is defined by Ker(f)={x:x in Asuch thatf(x)=0}, so the kernel gives the elements ...
