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A special case of Hölder's sum inequality with p=q=2, (sum_(k=1)^na_kb_k)^2<=(sum_(k=1)^na_k^2)(sum_(k=1)^nb_k^2), (1) where equality holds for a_k=cb_k. The inequality is ...
A pair of elements (p_i,p_j) is called an inversion in a permutation p if i>j and p_i<p_j (Skiena 1990, p. 27; Pemmaraju and Skiena 2003, p. 69). For example, in the ...
An unsolved problem in mathematics attributed to Lehmer (1933) that concerns the minimum Mahler measure M_1(P) for a univariate polynomial P(x) that is not a product of ...
product_(i)dp_idq_i, where p_i and q_i are momenta and positions of particles.
If there exists a critical region C of size alpha and a nonnegative constant k such that (product_(i=1)^(n)f(x_i|theta_1))/(product_(i=1)^(n)f(x_i|theta_0))>=k for points in ...
An algorithm which finds a polynomial recurrence for terminating hypergeometric identities of the form sum_(k)(n; ...
Any row r and column s of a determinant being selected, if the element common to them be multiplied by its cofactor in the determinant, and every product of another element ...
The Dedekind eta function is defined over the upper half-plane H={tau:I[tau]>0} by eta(tau) = q^_^(1/24)(q^_)_infty (1) = q^_^(1/24)product_(k=1)^(infty)(1-q^_^k) (2) = ...
The kth exterior power of an element alpha in an exterior algebra LambdaV is given by the wedge product of alpha with itself k times. Note that if alpha has odd degree, then ...
The group of all nonsingular n×n stochastic matrices over a field F. It is denoted S(n,F). If p is prime and F is the finite field of order q=p^m, S(n,q) is written instead ...
