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Let V and W be vector spaces over a field F, and let T:V->W be a linear transformation. Assuming the dimension of V is finite, then dim(V)=dim(Ker(T))+dim(Im(T)), where ...
The categorical notion which is dual to product. The coproduct of a family {X_i}_(i in I) of objects of a category is an object C=coproduct_(i in I)X_i, together with a ...
Given an ordinary differential equation y^'=f(x,y), the slope field for that differential equation is the vector field that takes a point (x,y) to a unit vector with slope ...
An n-tuple, sometimes simply called a "tuple" when the number n is known implicitly, is another word for a list, i.e., an ordered set of n elements. It can be interpreted as ...
A subset B of a vector space E is said to be absorbing if for any x in E, there exists a scalar lambda>0 such that x in muB for all mu in F with |mu|>=lambda, where F is the ...
A subset B of a vector space E is said to be balanced if lambdaB subset= B whenever lambda is a scalar satisfying |lambda|<=1. Here, the notation lambdaB denotes the set ...
A section of a fiber bundle gives an element of the fiber over every point in B. Usually it is described as a map s:B->E such that pi degreess is the identity on B. A ...
The infinitesimal algebraic object associated with a Lie groupoid. A Lie algebroid over a manifold B is a vector bundle A over B with a Lie algebra structure [,] (Lie ...
Let X be a topological vector space and for an arbitrary point x in X, denote by N_(x) the collection of all neighborhoods of x in X. A local base at x is any set B subset ...
A multilinear form on a vector space V(F) over a field F is a map f:V(F)×...×V(F)->F (1) such that c·f(u_1,...,u_i,...,u_n)=f(u_1,...,c·u_i,...,u_n) (2) and ...
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