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The stella octangula is a polyhedron compound composed of a tetrahedron and its dual (a second tetrahedron rotated 180 degrees with respect to the first). The stella ...
There are several differing definitions of the sun graph. ISGCI defines a (complete) n-sun graph as a graph on 2n nodes (sometimes also known as a trampoline graph; ...
The (m,n)-tadpole graph, also called a dragon graph (Truszczyński 1984) or kite graph (Kim and Park 2006), is the graph obtained by joining a cycle graph C_m to a path graph ...
Tait's Hamiltonian graph conjecture asserted that every cubic polyhedral graph is Hamiltonian. It was proposed by Tait in 1880 and refuted by Tutte (1946) with a ...
Two circles with centers at (x_i,y_i) with radii r_i for i=1,2 are mutually tangent if (x_1-x_2)^2+(y_1-y_2)^2=(r_1+/-r_2)^2. (1) If the center of the second circle is inside ...
A Taylor series is a series expansion of a function about a point. A one-dimensional Taylor series is an expansion of a real function f(x) about a point x=a is given by (1) ...
A tiling of regular polygons (in two dimensions), polyhedra (three dimensions), or polytopes (n dimensions) is called a tessellation. Tessellations can be specified using a ...
The game of tic-tac-toe, also spelled ticktacktoe and also known as 3-in-a-row or "naughts and crosses," is a game in which players alternate placing pieces (typically Xs for ...
The skeleton of a trapezohedron may be termed a trapezohedral graph. n-trapezohedral graphs are illustrated above for n=3 to 10 in circular embeddings with the two interior ...
The trefoil knot 3_1, also called the threefoil knot or overhand knot, is the unique prime knot with three crossings. It is a (3, 2)-torus knot and has braid word sigma_1^3. ...
