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Probability is the branch of mathematics that studies the possible outcomes of given events together with the outcomes' relative likelihoods and distributions. In common ...
Let f be a finite real-valued function defined on an interval [a,b]. Then at every point in [a,b] except on a set of Lebesgue measure zero, either: 1. There is a finite ...
Informally, an L^2-function is a function f:X->R that is square integrable, i.e., |f|^2=int_X|f|^2dmu with respect to the measure mu, exists (and is finite), in which case ...
A polar representation of a complex measure mu is analogous to the polar representation of a complex number as z=re^(itheta), where r=|z|, dmu=e^(itheta)d|mu|. (1) The analog ...
A generalization of the Lebesgue integral. A measurable function f(x) is called A-integrable over the closed interval [a,b] if m{x:|f(x)|>n}=O(n^(-1)), (1) where m is the ...
A property of X is said to hold almost everywhere if the set of points in X where this property fails is contained in a set that has measure zero.
Let (X,B,mu) be a measure space and let E be a measurable set with mu(E)<infty. Let {f_n} be a sequence of measurable functions on E such that each f_n is finite almost ...
Euler integration was defined by Schanuel and subsequently explored by Rota, Chen, and Klain. The Euler integral of a function f:R->R (assumed to be piecewise-constant with ...
Let alpha(x) be a monotone increasing function and define an interval I=(x_1,x_2). Then define the nonnegative function U(I)=alpha(x_2)-alpha(x_1). The Lebesgue integral with ...
Suppose that {f_n} is a sequence of measurable functions, that f_n->f pointwise almost everywhere as n->infty, and that |f_n|<=g for all n, where g is integrable. Then f is ...
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