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201 - 210 of 268 for symmetrySearch Results
Transitivity is a result of the symmetry in the group. A group G is called transitive if its group action (understood to be a subgroup of a permutation group on a set Omega) ...
An n-trapezohedron, also called an antidipyramid, antibipyramid, or deltohedron (not to be confused with a deltahedron), is a solid composed of interleaved symmetric ...
A triangle center function (sometimes simply called a center function) is a nonzero function f(a,b,c) that is homogeneous f(ta,tb,tc)=t^nf(a,b,c) (1) bisymmetry in b and c, ...
A vector derivative is a derivative taken with respect to a vector field. Vector derivatives are extremely important in physics, where they arise throughout fluid mechanics, ...
The spherical harmonics can be generalized to vector spherical harmonics by looking for a scalar function psi and a constant vector c such that M = del x(cpsi) (1) = psi(del ...
Wang's conjecture states that if a set of tiles can tile the plane, then they can always be arranged to do so periodically (Wang 1961). The conjecture was refuted when Berger ...
The Weisfeiler-Leman dimension dim_(WL)(G) of a graph G, sometimes known as the WL dimension, is the smallest integer d such that the d-dimensional Weisfeiler-Leman algorithm ...
A zebra graph is a graph formed by all possible moves of a hypothetical chess piece called a "zebra" which moves analogously to a knight except that it is restricted to moves ...
The modern definition of the q-hypergeometric function is _rphi_s[alpha_1,alpha_2,...,alpha_r; beta_1,...,beta_s;q,z] ...
The Fourier transform is a generalization of the complex Fourier series in the limit as L->infty. Replace the discrete A_n with the continuous F(k)dk while letting n/L->k. ...
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