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The recurrence relation (n-1)A_(n+1)=(n^2-1)A_n+(n+1)A_(n-1)+4(-1)^n valid for n=4, 5, ... with A(2)=0 and A(3)=1 and which solves the married couples problem (Dörrie 1965, ...
Let a graph G have exactly 2n-3 graph edges, where n is the number of graph vertices in G. Then G is "generically" rigid in R^2 iff e^'<=2n^'-3 for every subgraph of G having ...
The Lambert cylindrical equal-area projection is a cylindrical equal-area projection with standard parallel phi_s=0 degrees.
As Gauss showed in 1812, the hyperbolic tangent can be written using a continued fraction as tanhx=x/(1+(x^2)/(3+(x^2)/(5+...))) (Wall 1948, p. 349; Olds 1963, p. 138).
A root-finding algorithm also called Bailey's method and Hutton's method. For a function of the form g(x)=x^d-r, Lambert's method gives an iteration function ...
There are two curves commonly known as the Lamé curve: the ellipse evolute and the superellipse.
Whittaker and Watson (1990, pp. 539-540) write Lamé's differential equation for ellipsoidal harmonics of the first kind of the four types as ...
A two-dimensional planar closed surface L which has a mass M and a surface density sigma(x,y) (in units of mass per areas squared) such that M=int_Lsigma(x,y)dxdy. The center ...
A lattice which is built up of layers of n-dimensional lattices in (n+1)-dimensional space. The vectors specifying how layers are stacked are called glue vectors. The order ...
Let a space curve have line elements ds_N, ds_T, and ds_B along the normal, tangent, and binormal vectors respectively, then ds_N^2=ds_T^2+ds_B^2, (1) where ds_N^2 = ...
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