
Laman's Theorem

Let a graph G have exactly 2n-3 graph edges, where n is the number of graph vertices in G. Then G is "generically" rigid in R^2 iff e^'<=2n^'-3 for every subgraph of G having n^' graph vertices and e^' graph edges.

See also

Laman Graph, Rigid Graph

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Laman, G. "On Graphs and Rigidity of Plane Skeletal Structures." J. Engineering Math. 4, 331-340, 1970.Pollaczek-Geiringer, H. "Über die Gliederung ebener Fachwerke." Zeitschr. f. Angewandte Math. u. Mechanik 7, 58-72, 1992.

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Laman's Theorem

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Weisstein, Eric W. "Laman's Theorem." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource.

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