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Pickover's sequence gives the starting positions in the decimal expansion of pi (ignoring the leading 3) in which the first n digits of e occur (counting the leading 2). So, ...
Let f(x) be integrable in [-1,1], let (1-x^2)f(x) be of bounded variation in [-1,1], let M^' denote the least upper bound of |f(x)(1-x^2)| in [-1,1], and let V^' denote the ...
Polynomials P_k(x) which form the Sheffer sequence for g(t) = (2t)/(e^t-1) (1) f(t) = (e^t-1)/(e^t+1) (2) and have generating function ...
A function is said to be piecewise constant if it is locally constant in connected regions separated by a possibly infinite number of lower-dimensional boundaries. The ...
A piecewise linear function is a function composed of some number of linear segments defined over an equal number of intervals, usually of equal size. For example, consider ...
Write the exact powers of 2 and 3 in sorted order as 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 16, 27, 32, ... (OEIS A006899), and let u_n be the nth term in the sequence. Then u_(n+1)-u_n tends to ...
The Pippenger product is an unexpected Wallis-like formula for e given by e/2=(2/1)^(1/2)(2/34/3)^(1/4)(4/56/56/78/7)^(1/8)... (1) (OEIS A084148 and A084149; Pippenger 1980). ...
Let f:R×R->R be a one-parameter family of C^3 maps satisfying f(-x,mu)=-f(x,mu) (1) (partialf)/(partialx)|_(mu=0, x=0)=0 (2) (partial^2f)/(partialxpartialmu)|_(mu=0, x=0)>0 ...
If the vertices A, B, and C of triangle DeltaABC lie on sides QR, RP, and PQ of the triangle DeltaPQR, then the three circumcircles CBP, ACQ, and BAR have a common point X. ...
A pivotal isocubic is an isocubic on the lines connecting pairs of isoconjugates that pass through a fixed point P (the pivot point). Pivotal isocubics intersect the ...
