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The determinant of a knot is defined as |Delta(-1)|, where Delta(z) is the Alexander polynomial (Rolfsen 1976, p. 213).
The exterior of a knot K is the complement of an open solid torus knotted like K. The removed open solid torus is called a tubular neighborhood (Adams 1994, p. 258).
A knot invariant in the form of a polynomial such as the Alexander polynomial, BLM/Ho Polynomial, bracket polynomial, Conway polynomial, HOMFLY polynomial, Jones polynomial, ...
A theorem which states that if a Kähler form represents an integral cohomology class on a compact manifold, then it must be a projective Abelian variety.
Let G denote the group of germs of holomorphic diffeomorphisms of (C,0). Then if |lambda|!=1, then G_lambda is a conjugacy class, i.e., all f in G_lambda are linearizable.
If an analytic function has a single simple pole at the radius of convergence of its power series, then the ratio of the coefficients of its power series converges to that ...
The inertial subranges of velocity power spectra for homogeneous turbulence exhibit a power law with exponent -5/3. This exponent (-5/3) is called the Kolmogorov constant by ...
Let Q_i denote anything subject to weighting by a normalized linear scheme of weights that sum to unity in a set W. The Kolmogorov axioms state that 1. For every Q_i in W, ...
The forward and inverse Kontorovich-Lebedev transforms are defined by K_(ix)[f(t)] = int_0^inftyK_(ix)(t)f(t)dt (1) K_(ix)^(-1)[g(t)] = ...
n divides a^n-a for all integers a iff n is squarefree and (p-1)|(n-1) for all prime divisors p of n. Carmichael numbers satisfy this criterion.
