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Covariance provides a measure of the strength of the correlation between two or more sets of random variates. The covariance for two random variates X and Y, each with sample ...
A shortest path between two graph vertices (u,v) of a graph (Skiena 1990, p. 225). There may be more than one different shortest paths, all of the same length. Graph ...
Differential entropy differs from normal or absolute entropy in that the random variable need not be discrete. Given a continuous random variable X with a probability density ...
A Hermitian form on a vector space V over the complex field C is a function f:V×V->C such that for all u,v,w in V and all a,b in R, 1. f(au+bv,w)=af(u,w)+bf(v,w). 2. ...
In a set X equipped with a binary operation · called a product, the multiplicative identity is an element e such that e·x=x·e=x for all x in X. It can be, for example, the ...
If W is a k-dimensional subspace of a vector space V with inner product <,>, then it is possible to project vectors from V to W. The most familiar projection is when W is the ...
A walk is a sequence v_0, e_1, v_1, ..., v_k of graph vertices v_i and graph edges e_i such that for 1<=i<=k, the edge e_i has endpoints v_(i-1) and v_i (West 2000, p. 20). ...
Let each of f(a,b,c) and g(a,b,c) be a triangle center function or the zero function, and let one of the following three conditions hold. 1. The degree of homogeneity of g ...
A cycle of a graph G, also called a circuit if the first vertex is not specified, is a subset of the edge set of G that forms a path such that the first node of the path ...
The graph strong product, also known as the graph AND product or graph normal product, is a graph product variously denoted G□AdjustmentBox[x, BoxMargins -> {{-0.65, ...
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