
Search Results for "rotation matrix"

311 - 320 of 1221 for rotation matrixSearch Results
Fisher's exact test is a statistical test used to determine if there are nonrandom associations between two categorical variables. Let there exist two such variables X and Y, ...
Let A be an n×n matrix over a field F. Using the three elementary row and column operations over elements in the field, the n×n matrix xI-A with entries from the principal ...
Given an m×n matrix A, the fundamental theorem of linear algebra is a collection of results relating various properties of the four fundamental matrix subspaces of A. In ...
A dual number is a number x+epsilony, where x,y in R and epsilon is a matrix with the property that epsilon^2=0 (such as epsilon=[0 1; 0 0]).
Let A=a_(ik) be an arbitrary n×n nonsingular matrix with real elements and determinant |A|, then |A|^2<=product_(i=1)^n(sum_(k=1)^na_(ik)^2).
A quadratic form Q(x) is indefinite if it is less than 0 for some values and greater than 0 for others. The quadratic form, written in the form (x,Ax), is indefinite if ...
A tensor notation which considers the Riemann tensor R_(lambdamunukappa) as a matrix R_((lambdamu)(nukappa)) with indices lambdamu and nukappa.
A positive definite function f on a group G is a function for which the matrix {f(x_ix_j^(-1))} is always positive semidefinite Hermitian.
A fixed point for which the stability matrix has eigenvalues of the form lambda_+/-=-alpha+/-ibeta (with alpha,beta>0).
A fixed point for which the stability matrix has one zero eigenvector with negative eigenvalue lambda<0.
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