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Let u and v be any functions of a set of variables (q_1,...,q_n,p_1,...,p_n). Then the expression ...
The Racah V-coefficients are written V(j_1j_2j;m_1m_2m) (1) and are sometimes expressed using the related Clebsch-Gordan coefficients C_(m_1m_2)^j=(j_1j_2m_1m_2|j_1j_2jm), ...
The Racah W-coefficients, sometimes simply called the Racah coefficients (Shore and Menzel 1968, p. 279), are quantities introduced by Racah (1942) that are related to the ...
The gyroid, illustrated above, is an infinitely connected periodic minimal surface containing no straight lines (Osserman 1986) that was discovered by Schoen (1970). ...
The spherical harmonics can be generalized to vector spherical harmonics by looking for a scalar function psi and a constant vector c such that M = del x(cpsi) (1) = psi(del ...
The Church-Turing thesis (formerly commonly known simply as Church's thesis) says that any real-world computation can be translated into an equivalent computation involving a ...
An antilinear operator A^~ satisfies the following two properties: A^~[f_1(x)+f_2(x)] = A^~f_1(x)+A^~f_2(x) (1) A^~cf(x) = c^_A^~f(x), (2) where c^_ is the complex conjugate ...
An operator A^~ is said to be antiunitary if it satisfies: <A^~f_1|A^~f_2> = <f_1|f_2>^_ (1) A^~[f_1(x)+f_2(x)] = A^~f_1(x)+A^~f_2(x) (2) A^~cf(x) = c^_A^~f(x), (3) where ...
Any pair of equations giving the real part of a function as an integral of its imaginary part and the imaginary part as an integral of its real part. Dispersion relationships ...
A closed curve associated with a knot which is displaced along the normal by a small amount. For a knot K parameterized as x^mu(s) for 0<=s<=L along the length of the knot by ...
