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Wavelets are a class of a functions used to localize a given function in both space and scaling. A family of wavelets can be constructed from a function psi(x), sometimes ...
Any discrete finite wavelet transform can be represented as a matrix, and such a wavelet matrix can be computed in O(n) steps, compared to O(nlgn) for the Fourier matrix, ...
A transform which localizes a function both in space and scaling and has some desirable properties compared to the Fourier transform. The transform is based on a wavelet ...
Let X=(X,tau) be a topological vector space whose continuous dual X^* may or may not separate points (i.e., may or may not be T2). The weak-* (pronounced "weak star") ...
Weak convergence is usually either denoted x_nw; ->x or x_n->x. A sequence {x_n} of vectors in an inner product space E is called weakly convergent to a vector in E if ...
The weak law of large numbers (cf. the strong law of large numbers) is a result in probability theory also known as Bernoulli's theorem. Let X_1, ..., X_n be a sequence of ...
A weak pseudo-Riemannian metric on a smooth manifold M is a (0,2) tensor field g which is symmetric and for which, at each m in M, g_m(v_m,w_m)=0 for all w_m in T_mM implies ...
A weak Riemannian metric on a smooth manifold M is a (0,2) tensor field g which is both a weak pseudo-Riemannian metric and positive definite. In a very precise way, the ...
A weak snark is a cyclically 4-edge connected cubic graph with edge chromatic number 4 and girth at least 4 (Brinkmann et al. 2013). Weak snarks therefore represent a more ...
Let X=(X,tau) be a topological vector space whose continuous dual X^* separates points (i.e., is T2). The weak topology tau_w on X is defined to be the coarsest/weakest ...
